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Ordering Chaos: Q&A with re—inc Creative Director Tobin Heath

Ordering Chaos “Ordering Chaos” is re—inc Creative Director Tobin Heath’s eighth collection piece. Inspired by a deep examination into fractals, the infinitely complex and self-ordering patterns, she created this piece...

Ordering Chaos

“Ordering Chaos” is re—inc Creative Director Tobin Heath’s eighth collection piece. Inspired by a deep examination into fractals, the infinitely complex and self-ordering patterns, she created this piece over the course of several months in London.
The piece is acrylic on canvas, a warm glow of individually hand-mixed colors across 432 squares. The process of creating this piece is described by the artist as being “beautifully inefficient”. The squares themselves were each created individually and expressed uniquely in approach, execution, and result.
Throughout human history fractals have soothed us. Fractals offer a sense of solution. In our increasingly complex world perhaps they prove that there is order in the chaos, music amid the noise. Through Ordering Chaos, Tobin shows us that fractals are a pattern of hope.

Hear from the Artist & Athlete

Q: What attracted you to the concept of Fractals?
A: I am fascinated with the infinitely complex nature of fractals. While traditionally nature and technology seem at odds, with fractals they come together. Once I started to explore fractals, I saw them all around me, even inside me! There are so many problems in the world and sometimes, life seems too complex to solve. Fractals give me hope that there can be order amongst the most chaotic systems.
Q: What was your inspiration for this piece?
A: Jackson Pollock’s paintings have a calming exuberance. And yet, his work attracted lots of disapproval. I am personally inspired by moments where people stay true to themselves, despite heavy criticism. Ultimately, his art transformed the world (and they discovered lots of Fractal patterns). Ordering Chaos is a tribute to that.

"There are so many problems in the world and sometimes, life seems too complex to solve. Fractals give me hope that there can be order amongst the most chaotic systems."

— Tobin Heath, re—inc Creative Director

Q: Explain the meaning behind the name Ordering Chaos.
A: The words “order and chaos” were core to how re—inc expressed the Fractals Collection. After every completed piece, I sit and hang out with them (the art). I talk to them and grapple with them and marvel at them… and ultimately they tell me what they want to be called. While I was hanging out with TH8, my eyes were darting between the different colors, patterns, and sections. I felt as though the painting was laughing at me, as I tried to make sense of the chaos. And that’s when I said, “How about ‘Ordering chaos?’”... and then this oxymoron just stuck.

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17% of proceeds from the auction will support Hollaback!, a bystander intervention program that trains everyday people to respond to, intervene in, and heal from harassment.


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